I was tired of seeing families struggle with math, so I created math programs designed with parents in mind.
Hi! I’m Neily Boyd, founder of Counting With Kids. I’ve spent the past 15 years teaching math and training math teachers, and then one day it hit me…
“Who’s helping the parents with math homework?”
After a few days of dead end Google searches, I realized how scarce math resources were for parents. And Counting With Kids was born.
I’m still learning new things about parenting every day, but here’s what I know for sure:
You don't need to see yourself as a math person (yet) to raise a child who thrives in math.
Every person can feel confident doing math.
Every parent can feel confident supporting their child with math.
I was an English major in college. I had no intention of ever becoming a math teacher. But one year there was a shortage of math teachers in my state, and I was asked by my principal to get my certification to teach math. I was hooked. My eyes were opened to how fascinating math could be and all the ways I’d been missing out with math before.
I've now worked in math education for 15 years. Most recently, I worked as the Director of Math for six elementary and middle schools. During my time in that role, I implemented a hands-on mathematics curriculum designed to engage students in academic discussion and conceptual thinking. As a result, the schools showed some of the highest growth in Tennessee, according to several assessments.
I’ve trained hundreds of teachers and school administrators to teach math for understanding and not just memorization.
Now, in addition to helping teachers relearn math, I help thousands of parents around the world relearn math so they can raise children who thrive in math.
You deserve to feel confident supporting your child with math, and there’s no reason you can’t be.
I’ve consolidated my resources into a program that requires just 15 minutes of your time a week. If you can give me 15 minutes a week, I can teach you everything I know about doing math with our kids.