
Floating Numbers is another favorite of ours that combines counting practice with outdoor summer water play! ️

Scroll through the pictures to see how we play two different versions of this game:

  • Version 1 is best for children who are just learning to count (roughly ages 2-3)

  • Version 2 is best for children who are pretty comfortable counting within 10 and are ready to start combining two numbers (roughly age 4+)


The Math:

  • Counting: Practice counting the dots on the dice

  • Number Recognition: Match the number counting to the written numeral (1, 2, 3...)

  • Combine Numbers (v2): Counting the amount two numbers make all together is the foundation for understanding addition


  1. Baby pool or large container of water

  2. Floating object (such as ping pong balls, Legos, or corks) numbered 1 to 12

  3. Set of dice


Guess My Shape


Number Splash