Information for Parents and Early Childhood Educators
Where Is My Child on the Counting Learning Progression?
Knowing where our children fall in the progression of counting skills allows us to ensure we are best supporting their early math growth.
How Do I Know if My Child Has Developed One-to-One Correspondence?
One-to-one correspondence is an essential component of becoming fluent counters. But knowing that your child should develop this skill is very different than knowing if your child has developed it.
Learning to Count by 10s
Without an understanding of what the counting sequence represents, reciting “10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60....” is as useless to your child as being able to recite “2, 7, 15, 23, 38.”
Is It Time to Start Skip Counting?
Helping your child learn to skip count can be confusing for parents. In this post, I’ll address how you know when your child is ready to start skip counting.
Counting Collections
Children love to collect things! Whether it’s a collection of 3 objects or 30 objects, allowing time to count those collections is one of the BEST ways you can support your child’s early math development!
Don't Forget About Zero
If one is the loneliest number, what does that make zero? In early childhood math, the answer is usually—forgotten. Zero is frequently overlooked in early math activities, but children as young as one are beginning to understand the concept of zero.
There's More to Counting Than Just Counting
Let’s start at the very beginning: COUNTING! You know that we should teach our children how to count. But there is much more to counting than merely reciting the names of numbers.