How Do I Know if My Child Has Developed One-to-One Correspondence?

One-to-one correspondence is an essential component of becoming fluent counters. But knowing that your child should develop this skill is very different than knowing if your child has developed it.


So, how do you know if your child has developed one-to-one correspondence?

One-to-one correspondence means your child knows that each number word is paired with one, and only one, object. They also understand that all objects in a set must be counted. Your child has one-to-one correspondence if they:

  1. Don’t skip any objects when counting a set

  2. Don’t count any objects more than once

It is common for children to develop one-to-one correspondence gradually. You may notice your child has strong one-to-one correspondence when counting within 10 but makes more mistakes as the numbers get larger.


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Learning to Count by 10s